Wednesday, June 23, 2010



It is HOT.

Here's the dilemma: in heat, I am completely worthless; in air conditioning, I feel horribly non-real.

I don't want to move to a cold place unless I have some kind of call to be there.

So today, I've turned off the air, opened the windows for cross-ventilation, and am moving very slowly and trying to talk to no one, and to be very quiet inside.

Can silence generate coolness?

So far, it seems to be working, but it's not even one p.m.

Also, it's not right to completely isolate myself from everyone!

Maybe I should start experimenting with big blocks of dry ice. I've heard that certain glaciers generate their own climates...



Anonymous said...

Think of it as an ascetic labor. I asked a monk about all that black fabric in the heat. He said, it acts like a swamp cooler; but admitted, "yes, you sweat all the time" and "no, you never get used to it."

Then he added that he was baffled by the nuns who wear an additional head covering that fits tightly around the face. "That has to be awful," he said.

Anonymous God-blogger said...

Hmmm...feeling real (because of turning off the air conditioning) as an ascetic labor...

...I can do it for a while. But then I hit the point of diminishing returns...

Steve Robinson said...

Well... I was on a flat roof today in 108, laying down on it while patching cracks. I was up there by myself and I can tell you that silence didn't make it any cooler. But then again, I did mutter a few times....

Anonymous God-blogger said...

It only works if you're indoors and you hardly move at all, I think!

108? Wouldn't your brain boil at that temperature? Yikes.

Steve Robinson said...

Brain boil? AHA! THAT'S my excuse!!! :) Actually, that's mild. When it gets over 115 is when it is officially hot.

Anonymous God-blogger said...

I'm in awe. I wouldn't last three minutes in that heat. I hope you drink a lot of water.