Sunday, June 21, 2009


"Sainthood is being like God, who is love. I have never met a man or a woman, however debased, in whom I could not finally recognize this germ of sainthood: but the sainthood which is canonized or at least recognized is that which has grown and blossomed and is conscious of its origin--'It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me..' This sainthood does not do away with our human limitations of character or intelligence, our various complexes, nor the repercussions all this can have for what is called a 'moral' life. Sainthood for each person is to love God and other people as greatly as possible, just with that which he or she is."

--Thamar Dasnabedian, "The Witness of Women Saints" in Orthodox Women Speak


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